Monday, June 6, 2011

Some good, Some bad...

Parts of this weekend were awesome. Most of it actually. Went to Watch Superstar at Monte Casino which was great. I love the theatre and I love Andrew Lloyd Webber. I went my boy and his mom, dad and sis and my sis and we all went out for dinner afterwards. Was really a lovely evening.

Later watched Notting Hill with my sister while cuddling up on the couch. And the next day was all about relaxing. Brian (my boy) and I watched four episodes of Supernatural (Wow, I love that show). SleepyJane you were so right. The fairies episode rocked! Haha (Fight those fairies!)

So what made it bad - the usual, for me - my parents! I know a lot of the blogs I read is about the highs and lows of being a mother and I do understand that most parents are just people who are trying their best. That said. I would like to say a few things to my parents (who do not read this and to all parents that may do). Its an open letter of sorts and I do not mean to offend. So please don't be offended.


Anonymous said...

I love going to the theatre too! Notting Hill also rates as one of my all time favourite movies...Hugh Grant rocks.

Thanks for posting your open letter, it's a reminder to me to keep it real for the kids and to try make their childhood as easy as possible. Sorry you are going through such a hard time with your parents :(

Nes said...

Thanks, appreciate your comment...I do love my parents, I just don't like them very much at the moment and I think that is sad. Well, at least I got it out. I suppose.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! That episode rocked so much, it was awesome. :D

And yeah, parents are human, they make mistakes too. What makes me sad it sometimes is that even knowing that they won't acknowledge it.