Monday, July 25, 2011

Next Monday I will be starting at my new job

This is scary and exciting. More exciting at the moment. Tomorrow is my last day at the current job and then I have 3 days off to work on my MSc. corrections and pre-induction work. I am really looking forward to finishing up at that the current job. Its not a bad place but its hard to concentrate on working when you're finishing up...ummm...I don't really know how to explain it except that part of me has left already so it feels odd.

So basically today and tomorrow I am waiting. But I am cool with that. Its going to be a good week.


Fiona said...

Enjoy your last few days at your old job. It's an end of an era and it's a start of new beginnings...exciting times :)

po said...

Good luck! Gosh, first days are always nervewracking, but once you have survived that you can survive anything! I always feel so proud at the end of a first day, I made it!

Mariella said...

Totally agree with Fiona.
New beginnings = exciting times! :)
Life's a journey to be enjoyed every step of the way!
You will do great.