Thursday, March 3, 2011

Four years and four minutes

It feels odd to be writing a blog. I have scoffed that blogging since it became cool. Not that I have anything against bloggers, of course. Its just the idea of making your private life so un-private. I imagine, that if anyone is reading this, they are wondering why I don't write about some less private stuff. I don't know...I suppose that if I am going to write, then I feel I should write about things that are close to my heart a.k.a. private. So here is attempt #1.

For the past four years I have been engaged in an epic battle. The evil villian: a postgraduate degree that I inflicted upon myself. Why? I don't know. I was floating on the victory of being the top student in my honours class and winning numerous awards. I was flirting with the idea of carrying on in academia and becoming a "Doctor" (seriously, its a good title). My boyfriend was doing one and so were all my friends and I didn't know what I wanted to 'be when I was grow up'.

In the end, life happened in between. People get old and sick and die. Some people don't cope. Some people think they have to cope and then don't cope. And always, ever present is the 'project' and the 'supervisors' and the deadlines. So do I regret it? Nope. I did learn and its a hell of a personal achievement for me. But I feel old and tired now. People keep asking me how I am celebrating. And they think I am joking when I say 'watching TV and sleeping". But I am not. I am really old and tired. I spent four years, on a project that took four minutes to hand in....

1 comment:

EEbEE said...

Y'know Nes, I went through something very similar. spent 4 years doing an MSc before handing in then going on a brain vacation.

...and I haven't used mine since I handed in ;)